Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/2/10 Band Concert

      Tonight was our high school annual holiday band concert. The music we got for it wasn't to hard expect for Sleigh Bells, a fun yet difficult song. As you heard in resent blog postings I am now in Symphonic Band, the top dogs.... kinda.. I practice and average of 3-4 times a week outside of band class for about 40 minutes. I practice hard getting my parts down and my fingers to move faster.
     The concert starts, I was doing okay.. for the most part, with an exception of a few wrong notes. Then after the first obvious mistake I went down hill. Its like I froze and forgot everything I knew. We preformed our Jazz Band pieces after and I continued to make more mistakes. Until the last of the jazz songs. The hardest of them all, the one I spent the most working on. I ended up being a beat behind then playing a bunch of wrong notes!!! AH! (the guy next to me noticed). If it wasn't bad enough we had a grand finale with the Madison Brass Band, we were to play Most Wonderful Time of the Year. I was doing great, hit mostly everything. We all ended and somehow I managed to make a unintentional stinger.... how? I don't know, but it happened and EVERYONE heard! No joke. I heard people talking about it..... By this point I wanted to hide away for ever..
    Though I was down, and posted a Facebook status of my miss fortune. Luckily a very kind person (no name mentioned just in case) Gave me a few words to help me out of my rut. This is what was written;
"The incident is in the past now, so now it's time to smile widely to yourself, clear your head, and plan for the ever-so-amazing future that lies ahead" 
  This is an ever so cheesy statement that helped a lot. So part of clearing my head is to write about it then to do some deep breathing when listening to some meditation music and find the positive. The positive I can say out of that 'stinger' is that at least it was the right note. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12/1/10 Dinner Party

    So I saw in a magazine a question. "Who would be at your dream dinner party?" They asked this question to a designer. His picks were good, so I thought I would give it a shot. So here is my dream dinner party guest list in no particular order.

1. Lady Gaga; I pick her because well first of all I love her voice and her songs, but mostly I love her as a person. I would want her to be at my dinner party so I could talk all about civil rights with her and just to know what she is like in person. I don't doubt she's wonderful.

2. Obama; I invite him so he can talk to my really politically savvy German friend who knows and has good political views. This way David (German friend) (who will also be there) could talk to him and give him a few pointers and an outside view of the U.S. And because he's the president. He should also bring his dog to clean up the leftovers when we are done eating.

3. Lena and Y(J)uila of t.A.T.U. Especially Lena because she is my favorite. Why? Well I like their music and I love them!

4. Cool girl in math class; She has fun and similar views on religion, and equality, and well she just seams like she would be fun at the dinner party.

5. Johnny Depp; Because he is my favorite actor and seems like a pretty cool guy.

6. Joan Jett and P!nk; They both know how to do two very important things very well. Rock and Party!

7. Ellen Degeneres; Super funny, love her, and will get everyone to dance.

8. If I could bring back dead people I would have; Alexander McQueen (a brilliant clothing designer),The Beatles (the members aren't all dead but the band is) and last but not least Lucile Ball ( or Lucy in I Love Lucy).

9. La Roux (aka Elly Jackson). I would invite her to do my hair. And because she is also super fly.

10. I would invite every close friend that has made me smile the most. That way when there is an awkward silence I would have them there to fill it in with laughter. The ones that positive thoughts have always out numbered the negatives. I think you know who you are.

     So this is my list. I am sure I will look over this and realized I missed many very important people and by the time I am done I would need one very large dining room. But this is it so far and I think it would make some heck of a party.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11/30/10 Funeral

      A few weeks ago I went to my first funeral. Before going I was not thrilled the only thing that got me to go was that my family from New York was going to be there; this is what came to my head; I thought that I was going to be sitting in church listening to a priest talk about how God will lift her spirit to heaven and guide her, then for the rest watch people cry, morn, extra.. yata yata yata.
     My first surprise on arriving  was arriving at a nature center to educate children about forest, and animals in it. There were hands on examples and down the hall class rooms and stuffed creatures. On continuing through I end up in a open room chop full of people I don't know *well this is going to be thrilling*. I wonder about looking at pictures, and getting bored of listing to people mingle. I go back out and check out the exhibits and shoot a few texts to a few friends, (hey what can I say). When I make my way back into the room the chairs are arranged into a half circle, with two rows. I make sure I am in the back, I want to avoid  as much emotional stuff as possible.
     The first relative rose, he must have been the son of the deceased and he started with a speech and instructions for anyone who pleases to rise and say a few memories or words about their loved one. *This was different.* So I listened to each one of their stories and reasons why the loved this lady. Just by her wishes on how the funeral was going to happen she seemed from the start like a really open minded, down to earth person (I don't remember meeting her). Thats exactly how people described her as. They talked about what she did for them and how she helped them in one way or another. By the end I was almost feeling sad. Apparently she was one of very few female educators of her time and has inspired many to do the same. After listening to stories after stories the service came to a close and of corse at any event here in America there was food. I had two vegetarian hummus wraps. People mingled more, and each close family member was to pick a bird out of her collection. She loved birds and nature hence the location. 
      When I thought everything was done I ended up being dragged to a house *ugh more sad*. My objective was to just sit, eat, and listen. Later I ended up getting to actually talk to people and we got to talk about collage, the future, and I even talked some politics. As much as I hate politics I was able to convince a Republican about repealing the DADT (don't ask don't tell) and gay marriage rights. The sad thing was I didn't completely warm up until it was time for us to leave. Oh well, all in all the whole thing wasn't that bad.
      The beauty of it all was how much people showed there love, and how the service was peaceful, no religion, and casual. Good words were spoken, people had fun, and there was good food. :P This is how funerals should be.
As was mentioned in a speech, she is now flying with the birds.
I hope when I die my funeral is alot like this one.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10/28/10 Independence

    Us, as the human species, or at least us as American citizens, are lucky to say we have independence. Not just independence from Britain (that's old news), but independence to be whom we are. For some of us it may be harder than others to accept who you are, but I clap my hands for those of you who aren't afraid to show off your true self.
    To have an opinion and to have an opinion of your own is something worth treasuring. To be able to say, 'YEAH! I love listening to musicals, and watching women's ultimate fighting!' and say it loud and proud no matter what people think shows strength. To go your own direction, take your own path, to stand were you stand and to talk to different people, and to act how you naturally act; this is a gift in its own. People are so caught up in trying to fit in that they forget who they are. You should be able to love what makes you, you, and embrace it. If your friends are your true friends they will accept it, not deny the person you were born to be.
The golden ratio 1:1.618.. not so pretty, right?
     I, myself am not perfect. I know so more than many. I can be warm, happy, loving, and give good advice. Though, I also can be cold, honest, and outspoken, thus making me an evil soled cucumber. The things that make me different is that I am myself, sometimes I try to hold back commenting on the flaws of others behaviors, but sometimes I slip. When I slip I don't beat myself up over it, I just think, well it's true and it will all be forgotten, I hope. I do need to understand that these flaws appear in everyone, even me. Perfection is not why we love someone, we love someone for the little flaws that make them who they are.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/21/10 Forward

     The human race races forward. Forward and never back. We wish to go back, to change, to re-experience, re-analyze, redo. Forward we go. Faster than we know it, the days are long but the life is short. We are all heading in the same direction, no matter what path we take we are all heading to the same destination. The unavoidable end. The end is different for everyone but the result is the same. Sometimes it comes painfully early, or dreadfully late. The end doesn't scare me, its when and how that does. No time is the right time but the time that is meant for us.
    Forward is our states' motto. If we are going forward why is our nation stuck it the past. People's minds are stuck in the days of sexism, racism, and homophobic thoughts. Wake up and move with the times. 2010 is the future, 2010 is forward, the time of flying cars and holograms, or at least 3D TVs. We are in the time that people always looked ahead to, the Jettisons were a generations glimpse into our time. We are still stuck. We, of 2010 are a disappointment, a disgrace to the future. The future that everyone of us pictures is going to be like when we are 90 years old. Instead we rely on the next generation, though the next generation isn't moving forward, getting smarter, its moving backward with the help of what we created.
     Forward is like an unstoppable train. We run to catch up, to make it slow down just for a moment. Enough time to catch our breath. No, we are being dragged along with the unstoppable force of time. Hours of it gets forgotten, lost forever; then a moment, just a moment may last as long as you do, a moment that can run with you and let you free. A moment that is never lost but always rediscovered, retrieved, going back.
Looking up at Madison State Capitol dome. Larger than the White House.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10/19/10 I am...

I am everything
I am smart, I am slow
I am active, I am not an athlete
I am good, I am not gifted
I am happy, I am sad
I am past, I am future
I am loved, I am hated
I am right, I am wrong
I am heathy, I am sick
I am brave, I am afraid
I am straight, I am gay
I am neat,  I am sloppy
I am strong, I am weak
I am lost, I am found
I am grateful, I am jealous
I am tired, I am alert
I am remembered, I am forgotten
I am nothing

Monday, September 27, 2010

9/27/10 The Idea

    From the day we are born an idea is placed into our heads. A very simple, but possibly deadly idea. This idea is almost unavoidable from the day we are born and look into our parents eyes; the second they look back at you they silently place the idea into your head. This idea is again spoken to us when we are sleeping in your crib, when you make you first steps again the idea is given to you with a bow. When you start to speak you talk about this idea. When you begin to write, your teacher tells you to write about this idea. The idea is in almost in every movie you see and almost every book you read. Surprisingly this idea is still told to you when you are a freshman in high school.  Until one day you are woken up and find out that this idea has been a forever told lie.
    What is the idea? Well the idea comes in many forms. It comes as dreams coming true, disguised as prince charming, walking around as a future, questioned as "what do you want to be when you grow up?"Simplified as happiness. Now that you are about one year from being a "grown up" the idea hasn't happened. Nor is it even close to happening. Right now the idea is farther away than its ever been. You may try your hardest to be the best you can, but the idea seams to take two steps back for every step forward step you take. Is the idea a myth? Do I have a better chance on seeing the Lock Ness monster then achieving  the idea. Unless your idea is seeing the Lock Ness monster then you might be one lucky feller.
So what really is your idea?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/23/10 Hurt

       I feel like I need to cry, but I don't want to. I am not sure if I have a full out reason too. Maybe I do. To me I do. But I have no one to cry to. I miss my best friends. Yeah I hang out with good people sometimes, but their not my true friends. Sense when do my best friends stop hanging out with me, I cant tell if they are all hanging out together without me on purpose or if they just assume I am busy, or if they don't even think about me enough to notice how long its been. I think about them all the time, I care about them, but I feel distant. Maybe I am over reacting. I mean punching your fist through a window doesn't take away the anger, it just masks it for a few hours and leaves you with tape stitches, a hurt hand, and a doctor wanting to talk about your anger management issues. Every time she brought up the subject I felt like I wanted to cry, actually I even did cry a little, but not nearly enough for what I needed. Right now I am lost. Its only the 3rd week in school and I feel my grades are already slipping. 11:11 make a wish. I feel angry, and sad inside, but I also feel ashamed that I feel that way. There are people out there going through much worse than I am, but for some reason I feel like all the unhappiness that I hid sense last January where I was officially happy, has come back into the last week. Who can I cry to? I can't cry to my friends because they don't want my shit, I mean that wont be a good " hi its been a while" beginning. Then they really wouldn't want to hang out with me. But an adult would just make some kind of condescending comment. I guess I write this blog hoping it will go away. But I probably shouldn't have even written this, and might even delete it, because anyone who reads this would be reading about my shit and too have to carry it around. But like any kind of shit, it has to go somewhere.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

9/21/10 Scarredy Cat

    So its been awhile, I know. I have been so busy ever sense school started. There is always something going on after school. Its either work, or band, or something else. I have been so busy that I haven't even seen life go by. I try to grab as much time with my friends as I can, but surprisingly I haven't hung out with one of my good good friends yet, well sense summer. Which is sad, I know last friday three of them all hung out but I wasn't invited. Maybe they thought I was working. I did get to hang out with other people though.
   Like last weekend after work I went to Weary Rd after work with three school friends. Weary Rd is supposedly a haunted road near Stoughton. It is very creepy. But nothing really happened except a black cat kept running in front of the car and we saw a dead raccoon next to the deadly bridge ( the raccoon is supposedly a special thing idk). I still screamed alot and was very scarred. This went until 12am. I have been staying up that late alot lately when hanging out with people. The night seems to be more fun for us teenagers. Yah know?
   Also I met this German foreign exchanged student. His name is David, he is so nice. We started really talking for the first time after jazz band ( yes I did make it into jazz band) anyways we were talking on our way home, which was in the same direction. We stopped at a corner where we go our separate ways and ended up talking for two more hours. Then we practiced after school one day, a little later we went for a bike ride. After the bike ride we practiced our saxes outside while dinner was being made. He asked if I wanted to do an improv war; this is when you go back and forth of what ever improv comes to your head. The first few times I was quite and unsure, then out of know where this new sound came out of my sax, it was jazzy and loud, and gave me chills. I think after that moment playing the sax has changed for me. I don't know how to explain it but its just different. After dinner I got him his first slushy; he loved it. We walked all around town just talking and talking and talking. He even took some pictures of the two of us. He loves photography and taking hardcore photos. Two things that he did was make night look like day and make us able to appear in a photo twice. We probably walked around Stoughton 3 times that night, until he had to go at around midnight and so did I. Today I went with him to St.Vinnies to pick out a homecoming shirt for the annual homecoming dance. My friend Becca likes him and asked him to go. I think it is so sweet that their going together. Though this is his first school dance and the dancing is a little grimy I believe he will do ok.
One of the picture David and I took. As you see it looks like day
at 10 at night and we are in the picture twice. Kase! 
    This sunday David wanted to go to a Jazz Jam thing in Madison. I had no idea really what it was but he asked if I go with him. If it wasn't for him I would have probably been too chicken to go. My dad drove us there. I had no idea what to expect but what I did see what not what I expected. The place was located in the middle of a coffee shop. There was a piano, a drum set, a amped up base, and a amp for a base guitar or regular guitar. They were all jamming out, so David, my dad, and I got a coffee and sat down. After a bit a guy started talking and told the audience what was going on. Apparently we sign up for the piece that we were to jam out to ( our was called cjam blues) and when our name was called we play the head of the piece then improv in front of a coffee house full of people. I was so nerves and had no idea what I was doing. When I improved I played some wrong notes ( notes that were not in the blues scale) and ended too early. Then we went for another round with a extra song we knew, I got a little better but was sill iffy. The third song was a song that the only other high schooler that was there other than David and I, knew and we didn't know the head but we knew the scale so we just improved from that. David is great at playing the sax, he can really get a solo going, I hope his greatness rubs onto my playing in the future. The whole experience was so amazing and I can't wait to try again and get better at improv.
     I think just facing my fears is going to make me a stronger person. I was scared to go to Weary Rd but I did it. I screamed a few times but I lived and still had a fun time. I was even more scarred when I stood up and played in front a random people at a coffee house but I think that made me a better player. I was also scarred when I went on my first real big roller coaster when I was in NY this summer and I ended up loving that. Its like punching through and glass window, you come out with a few cuts but at least your anger is gone.
     Talk to you next time, whenever that may be.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8/10 Adventures of Paul the Banana

After being left at a party Paul the Banana finds himself a long ways from home. So he makes his way home on a long journey across town. This was his story....

This is Paul, he is a banana.  A happy banana at that.

 The night before, this Paul was left passed out at a party. He woke stranded and confused. So headed homeward by peal. 

 On his way home he come across a park. He found sliding down the slide entertaining, but not for too long....

...... okay one more time.....

 Finding himself enjoying a maze, "this is fun activity at a park" he thought, yet it reminds him of the journey that he has left in front of him.
One challenge he encounters is a very steep hill. He finds the only way down is to roll.

 Luckily there are posts to keep him under control.

  Over the bridge he goes, getting closer and closer to home.

  Paul stops for a breather at a pic-nic table..

 He notices some multicolored ducks....Wow! There are orange, black, white, and gray ducks!

 Saying goodbye to the river is hard, but he makes his way down town...

 Paul stops at a bench by Cheesers! Unfortunately it isn't open yet... no cheese for Paul.

But Fosdals is open! He enjoys a a chocolate custard filled doughnut. 

  Getting shade on this hot morning is nice. He finds a pleasant spot for fishing. Next time he should bring a pole.
  Paul cheers on a softball team at their last inning.. WHOOOHOO!! We WON!... now its time to go home...
 Home at last. Paul has had a long morning a will be looking forward to a cool shower.... Next time Paul will be more responsible and watch his partying.....

The End

Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6/10 Hello One Follower

     So your  probably thinking right now wait she has two followers, right? Wrong, I figured out that I can follow myself. Yes I follow my own blog. Pathetic I know but I thought maybe if it looks like I have more followers more people will want to follow my blog, because they will think I'm important. I'm not.  You never know I could be the presidents unknown white daughter or Lady Gaga's little sister (who's name is Natalie by the way). But anyways, I don't really know why I want people to read my blog so bad. I mean Im just a regular person, with no excitement in my life.
     Thats a lie, exciting things do happen all the time, wether their exciting to you or not is your own opinion. I guess I write this blog for the same reason people have Twitter or update their Facebook status ever ten minutes. We all wish someone out there cares, or would like to believe so. I mean do you really care that I broke up with my boyfriend, no, but if I put it into a little daily story and you read it, it will be exciting for two reasons. Reason one being that you get to learn all the dirty details of my life, kinda like a drama TV show. Reason two being that when I write these I kinda think that my readers are nodding their heads saying amen sista, or can relate on some level of what I am talking about.
     I believe that, though everyone is really different. We have our different looks, our different corks, and different opinions. Alot of us share some of the same thoughts on things, or at least people in our similar age group. Like if I say to you right now man I really hate mushrooms, the texture is like eating a slug, the smell is horrible, eww, I believe a majority of your out there are thinking the same thing about mushrooms. But in the other hand I have a few friends ( very few) that do like mushrooms and will be like, yumm! I love that. First I would probably call them a weirdo, but yet thats their opinion and that is the same thing that will happen with this useless blog. People will read something they will completely disagree on and hate me forever and others will love me more for the same opinion.
I think I look a little like my big sis....
      Now your probably thinking if she just admitted to herself that there is no point on writing this blog why is she still doing it. *11:11 Make A WISH*. Well my friend, other than writing this blog for my one follower and the occasional people that actually look this up when I tell them about it, I write this blog for myself. Not just to keep track of my amazingly exciting life, but to finally let loose of what is on my mind. I always go to bed with a speech of what I wish I could say but never have the opportunity to say it, so now I can do that. Writing in a journal doesn't work because I can never write as fast as what come in my head. With this, my fingers are able to move fast enough, making everything flow on to the screen. Anyways happy labor day. Tomorrow is school once again, after that it will never end. Thanks for reading those of you who do. Talk to you next time! - Nat ;)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9/5/2010 Nap

   So today was one of those days that I just couldn't get revved up. I woke up tired and felt tired all day. I couldn't even get myself to go on a bike ride! Can you believe that?! But then I did something magical. Something I've only done a few times in my life. Something I couldn't even get myself to do in pre-school.. I took a nap! It was amazing. Once I took that nap ( 3 hours later than I should have) I was wide awake and ready for action. When I woke up I got a text from a friend saying that the group is getting together. I like hang out with them all. Even though they have some extra drama that I don't know about, I still like to get together with them and laugh. Sometimes when I am around a new group of people I do one of two things. I, one, don't talk enough, or two, talk too much. What can I do I'm human?
    Today I was told by one of the friends that they used to think I was annoying. I mean, I guess I will like to think that sense the words 'used to' was put in front of it that it isn't as bad. I wasn't to broken up about it, I really don't give a shit what people think about me as much as I used to anymore. I guess I grew up a bit. But it does make you wonder how many people out there don't like you. It is worrisome, but as long as the people who like you out way the people who don't like you by over double, you should be in good shape. I just think to myself when I'm around people ( watch out cheesy phrase) "How would I like to be treated". For the most part I do this, unless the person pissed me off from the start, then it takes me awhile to give them that respect. Unless the time right after their nice, then I change my mind.
Lydia; if your reading this... ALIANS!!!!
    Well thats all I have to say today, talk to you tomorrow. I guess if your reading this blog you must like me. Because if you didn't then you wouldn't care. TTFN ;)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9/4/10 Its Not Me, Its You

   So two things happened today. The first thing is that I found out my sound board on my computer is broken. Meaning I can't do anything that has to do with sound. This means no watching movies, which sucks for me sense I love watching movies. It should be fix by the end of the week though.
   The second thing that happened today is that I broke up with my boyfriend, August. The time had to come soon, I wasn't planning on finding my soul mate. Today just happened to be the day. But don't feel bad. I broke up with him, I guess the feeling was mutual though. In the end its a little sad.
   This is how it all went down. August and I started going out in the beginning of June, so it was one of my longer relationships, but still an uneventful one. We saw each other alot in the beginning but only for short periods of time. Then he left to Green Bay for two weeks and later I left to New York so we didn't see each other much. We texted sometimes but I will end up texting an entire paragraph and all he will text back is "Oh, lol, yeah" or  "yesh". This is ok, sometimes, but when what you texted had nothing to do with the reply; like you never asked a question then you get a replay saying "yesh" is a little annoying. So I stopped trying to text him. Also every time I asked him about his day or how he was doing he would always have some kind of negative reply. He was always saying how he thinks people don't like him, or how he hated Stoughton. I mean I know you miss your old town and all, but come on Stoughton's not that bad. But whatever. So he's a negative person, the only problem with that is I feed off of peoples energy majorly, so if their down, I have a hard time getting revved up. So there was that.
   Besides the things I didn't like about him, I wasn't perfect either. With the texting thing, after a while I mentioned something about it, which was probably a big mistake. Hey, its a huge pet peeve. Also in general, I'm a sucky girlfriend. Other than having no idea what I'm doing, I have issues with dating. I can not, I repeat, can not, be attached to my boyfriend if my friends are around. I feel uncomfortable if I am with a boyfriend and my friends are in a 100 ft radius of me. Friends first forever and always. I don't get how someone can choose to hang with one stupid boy vs a group of your best friends, I just don't get it. Also there is just to much emotional stuff, I find that guys are way more emotional then girls. They are always complaining and wanting you around all the time. I thought it was the other way around, that guys are the ones that want to be free from the girls. So confusing, they also do not get hidden cues at all, I mean they are mentally unable to put verbal and nonverbal cues together to get something. You literally  have to spell it out for them. This sucks for me sense I am a vague person, and have half a conversion in my head, and spew out leftover thoughts that are suppose to be understood. duh!
    I also find myself uncomfortable around guys. Their just kind of awkward. Like I never know what to talk about. Also you have so much pressure when your around guys, especially if your in a relationship. You have pressure to be so lady like and shit. I am not a very lady like girl. I mean I like to shop I like fashion, and drama TV shows, classic girl things, right? In general, though, I have some unlady like mannerism, like I am very independent, I hate it when people buy me stuff, I can do things by myself, for the most part. I do like it when a guy is polite, but that is so rare to find theses days. Guys don't open doors for you anymore, or help you carry something heavy. That classic politeness I feel has been lost. Instead guys judge you so much, you have to be hot, you have to do this, your boobs have to be this big, ext. They point out everything you say, and sometimes judge you right to your face. AHH! I hate them!  Sometimes I think it would be easer just to go out with girls. I mean we would probably get each other alot better, we would be able to talk about the same stuff and give each other all the attention and not attention that we need. It would be more like having a best friend then a relationship. Alot more easer don't you think? At least girls have fashion. Who's genius idea was it to make males and females as different as a person can possibly get?!?! I feel like I could be a single lady forever.

Friday, September 3, 2010

9/3/10 I am Speechless, so Happy I Could Die....

    So I'm sure all of you who are following my blog are at the edge of your seats wondering how the BIG Night went. No not a wedding night... The night that I saw Lady Gaga! September 2, 2010 is the night I will remember for the rest of my life. The hole evening went as perfectly as possible.
   I went with my dad and Rachael to the concert. We made good time on the way to Milwaukee stopping at Subway to grab a bite to eat. Then we made it through Milwaukee rush hour traffic safely; finding a parking spot for 3 dollars for 2 hours right outside the special pre-payed parking ramp next to the stadium. We took the risk of getting a parking ticket if the meter ran out.
    We had arrived about an hour early. Standing outside was quite interesting because you got to see everyones costumes. You saw guys with red high heel boots in drag, and girls with disco bras. At this moment I am thinking how much I love people. Next time, I am going all out and making a consume too. We enter the building and the first thing I do is get a t-shirt before the stand gets too mobbed. Then I hit the bathroom. Rachael and I separated our selfs from my dad because we had different seats. Mine cost twice as much and had a twice as better view, there was nothing in our way; perfect view.
    While we walked for a bit I got to see even more people. Everyone was just so beautiful. Being so excited we sat in our seats early. An hour later at 8 the room darkened and the pre-show, Semi Precious Weapons  played. The main guys had blond hair, eye liner, a trench coat, fishnet leggings, and silver sparkly high heals. He was beautiful and rocking it. Half way through his show he changed is outfit right on stage. He got down to what I hope was thin skin colored spandex, other wise I swear he was naked, and changed into leggings and a tight tee. After his show he talked a bit, threw out some swear words and was trying to get the audience not only excited but sexually excited for Gaga, ( Though we already were). Then he threw a few items off the stage and left.
This is about the view I had of the amazing living
dress. The Lady herself
and the Haus of Gaga designed it especially for her.  
   After a little while, enough time to get a bathroom break and talk for a while, a curved projector screen came down. The room got dark, laser lights beamed from the ceiling making it look like there was a green net, then started moving making it look like the screen was breathing. The first few notes of Dancing in the Dark started to play boomed through the stadium. The crowd roared and I screamed at the top of my lungs. The suspense was killing us. The music was playing but the screen was over her for the whole song. All you could see was her silhouette posing a few moves. After the song it lifted, her backup dancers/ actors were playing as her friends trying to fix their car broken down car, this is were their adventure begins.
    The whole night was like an adventure skit / concert. Everything flowed greatly. She had changed her outfit for every song. Most of which were spectacular. One was a dress that moved with the song automatically, it was like it was alive. While she wore this she was risen at least 40 ft in the air on a platform that had a blue under-glow. Another time she was playing a few piano pieces, saying that she will never... ever... lip sing. When she starts the song a huge flame comes up through the piano, then it starts to twirl about, it gets higher and higher and turns into a fire tornado. I was speechless while she sang Speechless. From hairy bikinis to tight leather, to a giant 30 ft Anglerfish/ Octopus that attached her, the show was one big mind fuck. It was a once in a life time show. One of the most spectacular things I would ever get to see in my life. Through out the show she lifts the spirits of her little monsters saying that we are all beautiful, and that we can be what ever we want to be, she is so sincere with every word. At one point she rips the head off of a stuffed Tinker Bell that got tossed on to the stage, she takes the stuffing out of the body and stuffs it into her bra; joking that its hard when you tour because you lose weight and your tits get smaller. She says she doesn't believe in plastic surgery, * except for a sex change* she corrects ( not talking about herself of corse). You can tell that she really cares about her fans more than anything. I even saw her shed a tear or two while she was preforming. You can also tell that everyone in the building loved her too, the whole feel of the concert had so much love, and happiness, everyone who was there was captivated and in love with her. I love her;  I love what she believes in finding out last night that it was the same things I believe in makes my love for her grow even more.
This was the exact head that was torn off Tinker Bell, she
posted this picture today from last nights concert.
I am proud to be Lady Gagas' biggest Little Monster. Next time she comes to town I am without a doubt going again!
p.s We never did get a ticket for our parking spot. The night was perfect.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9/1/2010 Striped Pajamas

      I am sorry to disappoint all my followers and fans but I fear that writing in this everyday through out the school year is going to be difficult. I haven't given up so far, but I am just pre-warning you. Especially tomorrow night I am going to be seeing Lady Gaga!!!! But this concert goes late, so it will be hard for me to report to you right away. I will do my best. Maybe I will find something I wrote in a class one year to for tomorrows blog.
    Moving on, today was the first day of school. If you ask how it was I would say okay, but really mean horrible. If I know you I probably would just go out and say it was bad. I got locked out of my locker twice. Meaning I was late to two of my classes and almost late to 3. I was really excited for my first hour class which is Art 3D. This ended up being a class full of Freshman and.... people who I don't know. If you were in my class you will know what I'm talking about. I am thinking of switching to Physic Ap, but it might be too full. We'll see I will try it out for one more day. Work after school was not treating me well, or I wasn't treating myself well so that made everything bad.
    After work I went home, pouted, and cried to my mom on how awful everything was. Went up to my room for a wile and calmed down. During dinner we turned on a movie I rented from Netfilx called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Basically the movie was about the Holocaust. I'm not going to give anymore info away for those of you who haven't seen it. But it was quite the eye opener. I mean we've learned about it in classes. Saw photos and history movies about it, but thought this was a movie it showed what was going on through the eyes of an adolescent. Basically in the end, I cried, again, for the third time today. It sure makes my bad day look like a hole lot of nothing.
    The Holocaust makes me so angry! I don't understand how people could think that way, and how it went on for so long without being stopped. It was horrid! This is just another example of why I hate people who hate people. ( Something I was talking about in another blog). I hope nothing like this happens again, but the fact is it was happening not to long ago with the African Genocide where millions of people were killed because of their looks and believes. Its so sad that there are humans out there that think that way and it sickens me. I hope none of my readers do.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8/31/10 Last Day of Summer

    Today was the last day of summer. Hence the title. I will try to make this short because I have to wake up early tomorrow; 6:15 am early. ( Ugh) But not making any promises. To begin with, today was a pretty dreary day for the last day of summer. Maybe it was natures way of getting me ready to leave, because if it was any nicer out I don't think I would be able to. For the first half of the day I woke up at the early hours of 9:00. I moped around on Facebook hoping for some kind of comments or messages, then I watched some stand up comedy and did a few chores. The thing that got me out of my bad day funk was when I realized I had to return a few CDs to the library this means I got a chance to get up on my bike. At the end of my trip of returning my CDs and looking for my favorite hair product that for some reason is not being sold anywhere any more I was alot more alive for work at 3:30. Work was slow and mainly consists of cleaning. Which is what is done more than anything else in the store. When I got home I talked to MawMaw for a half an hour explaining her my blog. I wonder if she will ever read this..... Well anyways sorry for the half ass blog today. I guess with school coming up my brain isn't all here today.
     Goodnight and happy last day of summer...
Wish I can be back here. *man I miss those sunglasses*

Monday, August 30, 2010

8/30/2010 Cheers

      I am sipping a hot cup of organic herbal tea at the stroke of midnight quickly reflecting on my summer. This summer has been great. Starting with my annual trip up to Rachaels' cabin up in northern Minnesota, where we play poker, watch movies, roast marshmallows, and tan on the dock because the water is to cold. This trip is something I look forward to every year. But each year is not for sure until she makes her choice on who to ask up. Its been me sense 5th grade, but every year I still wonder who she is going to pick. Though every time I'm up at the cabin I treat it like its my last.
     After the cabin we didn't lay low for long because less than a week later was the Joan Jett concert. That has to have been the best night of my life. I was high off the music while the girl in front of me was high off of LSD or something. Its okay though, I was feeling the love also. Joan Jett really connected with the crowd. I could have sworn we looked straight into each others eyes.
    For a week it was just me, and maybe a few get-togethers here and there. Then I was off to my MawMaws' house for a few days. One of the days I spent with my two younger cousins Delany and Isabel. Delany is 12 and Isabel is 8.... I think. That day we spent the day up at lake Michigan. The weather was so hot but the lake was really cold, this created a fog that rolled over the beach for most of our stay. It was beautiful. I even played in the water.
    After that, the next week I started drivers ed. This lasted three weeks. The class went from 8 am to 10. It was boring and surprisingly difficult in some areas. I passed. For the second week of drivers ed I also had band camp. This means my day went from 8 am to 4 pm. Longer than a school day. Band camp was uneventful this year because we can no longer do a field show and alot of the fun seniors graduated. I guess its my turn to be fun. The third week of drivers ed was finishing up and I had my first Sax Lesson and started getting alot more hours for work.
    In the first two weeks of August I was over in New Jersey and New York. The first week I was hitting the streets of NYC with my Aunt Alison and the second week I was doing all sorts of what-nots with my cousins Kimberly (19) and Liza ( Just a few weeks older than me, 16). We picked up and organized trash up at McGleens race track and I tagged along while they worked the sailboat races. I also visited my other Grandparent; Grammy and Grandy in Corning, NY. The one thing I really wish I would have done when I was up there was to spend more time with them. I find them very interesting to listen to and they have so many stories and facts packed away in their brains that I think its good for them to let it out. I also look up to them alot because they have done so many great things in their life time that it makes everyone else, even the president look under achieved. I am not stretching the truth either, they are so amazing. Grandy designed the very tea pot I used to heat up my tea tonight. He has biked many miles, I would love to go on a bike ride with him. Any ways I could right a book about them. Going on....On my way home I drove for about 500 miles going on average 85 mph dominating the left lane. It was great.
   The last few weeks have gone by so fast. I mainly just caught up with all my friends, worked, and road my bike. Other than the day of Ke$ha the whole summer I had not been truly sad. I had an end of the summer party which I hope that people had fun at. At the party there was plenty of food, badminton, music, and games. But it was a little weird because I had invited two different groups of people and I just couldn't get them to mesh. It was the strangest thing. So I insisted on us all playing Apples to Apples. That was a good ice breaker, but once the game ended people still didn't really mesh. Thats ok I guess. I like them all, but will never leave my main group. Tomorrow ( or should I say today) Is my last day of summer. I am free until 3:30pm then I am off to work. So cheers to a great year, a great summer, and hopefully another great year ahead.  

 Cheers! *sips last of my tea*

Sunday, August 29, 2010

8/29/2010 Movie Trap

   I love movies. I just love to watch them. I have Netflix which is the best thing ever because I can get movies in the mail or watch some on my computer. Sometimes I will find myself watching really crappy movies but I will still somewhat enjoy it. It helps me unwind and relax. Especially if i had a bad day or if the weathers bad a movie puts me in a good mood. Ever sense I started writing this blog I have been having less time to watch a movie. Which if fine I guess. I mean writing is better for your brain than watching a movie, but still its been awhile.
    Your probably wondering what my favorite movie is aren't you. Well if you weren't I'm still going to tell you. I have a list of top movies. But I am going to narrow it down to two. One is The Runaways. It has two of the best actresses of my generation Kristen Stewart and Dacoda Fanning. They did an amazing job playing Joan Jett and Cherie Curry. The music in it is great, the acting is great, everything about that movies is Amazing!! And thats an understatement. Another of my favorite movies is a long time favorite of mine. Its kinda cheesy, predicable, and the acting is ok. But its been my favorite sense I was very young. The movie is The Parent Trap. I have watched that movie more than any other. Every time I'm really sad about something or need some kind of pick-me-up that movie was there for me. With Linsay Lohan playing Hallie and Annie; The twins that switch places, and RIP, Natasha Richard playing Elizabeth James Annie's mom and a wedding gown designer. The movie is both cute and funny.
     I realized just recently that a lot of the choices I made when I was younger had a lot of similarities. I was obsessed with getting a golden retriever; Hallie had a golden retriever named Sammy. I fenced; When Annie and Hallie first meet is at the end of a fencing match and the see each other for the first time. I had a pursuit  to get cloud button up pajamas just like Hallie wore when she came up with the  " Brilliant beyond brilliant idea". I even got my hair cut like them at one point. And when I made those choices none of them I really thought I want to this Just like the movie. No thats just what I wanted and It wasn't until now that I see how similar they are to the movie.
      I still watch the movie to this day. And I still can't figure out why it is so close to me, and why I love it so much. I bet I have a twin out there that lives in England!
                This is Hallie, one of my closest friends. We've been friends sense we were very little...

before the movie came out. I <3 U!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

8/28/10 Things I Love

       This blog post is simple and will most likely come up again. In this blog I am going to talk about things I love. Starting with the number one thing I love. My friends. Though many change, some stay the same and are with you for years. Just thinking about that bond and the laughs you've had makes me smile. One of my dearest friends just said goodbye to her sister who went off to collage today. I  really wish I can just give her a hug and make her feel better. But she should feel grateful to have a sister that is like her best friend. I hope I have at least one friend that would stick around and be my sister. And someday I will be someone's fake aunt. I hope so, I need an excuse not to have kids. I also love my family. Even though its a small and dysfunctional at times. I still love them. I mean we are blood. My Aunt Alison is there for me no matter what. She and I, I consider best friends. We can talk about anything. She I can always count on for advise and to just listen and help me out. I wish I could see her more often; once a year is just not enough. I end up crying every time we leave each other. Also my MawMaw and I are also very close. Though I wont talk about everything to her we are still there looking out for each other. We can have a good time; just the two of us. I am lucky to have this with my grandma when most people don't.
       Next thing that I love the most is my new hair cut that I got today. It turned out great! I am so happy about it. I love tea, the taste is so elegant, but I actually don't really understand why I love tea so much; I just do. Also my new bike tires. They are so bitchn'. I got myself going faster than a car going down main street. It was so amazing. Biking makes me feel so free; I really love it. The wind blowing in my face and feeling like you can go anywhere. Its better than driving a car. I also love my room. My room I consider so personal to me. Everything in it is just ME. I think of my room as one big piece of art. Random things are placed in just the right spot. To me its perfect. Love comes in a big form with my pets. They don't speak but they all have personalities, the interact with there environment. Just watching them makes me think of how close we are to them. How humans ARE animals. I believe animals love just as we do.

Friday, August 27, 2010

8/27/10 Post Worst Day Ever

    So, yesterday was basically one of those "OMG THIS IS THE WORST DAY EVER!" kinda days. Anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. Remember back in the posting, "Year of the concerts" I said that on August 26th I was going to see Ke$ha. The concert I gave as a gift. Well the person who I gave the gift to couldn't go. ( btw I spent $80 total on them). This is because of my boss. Who sometimes makes me mad because of this reason. In the end, the whole reason is a long story; even too long for a blog.
    All in all I had to find someone to go with, so I asked around. Then found that my friend Hannah wanted to go. This was cool, I was excited.. lets do this; right? Wrong. Concert started at 7, Hannah had a tennis match at 4:30, which was fine until the other teams bus broke down. Meaning the match went late over all Hannah couldn't make it. So it was me and my fifty something year old dad. ( I know his real age) He was the oldest one there, people noticed. The concert was general admission and I am on the floor with 200 other strangers all waiting for Ke$ha. In the mean time they are playing bad D.Jed tech-no music and screaming the same thing over and over again trying to keep the crowd pumped up. I am hot, tired, and pissed off that the original plan didn't work out. So this goes on for an hour. I am being tossed around like a beach ball in hot sun. A group of girls next to me snuck in alcohol; obviously under aged. One got so waisted she almost puked on my shoes.
     Another hour later still no show of Ke$ha and same crap-o music. They even repeated songs thats how poor the selection was. Its been two hours and five minutes and I have had it. I was not having a good time one bit, so we left. That was that. Never saw Ke$ha. Just paid $80 for me and my dad to be tortured. I couldn't see shit anyways. We walked out. I cried; a little. Then we to Culvers to eat, and went home. I wish I would have cried myself to sleep so I could have felt way better in the morning. Instead I tossed and turned and woke up 4 times during the night.
      Today I worked all day. I didn't get a lunch break or any kind of break. Once I got out into the sun on my way to work I felt a little better. Once my boss said I didn't sweep well enough; not last time I worked, but whatever time I swiped last ( she remembers *ugh!*). I felt worse again. I hated her again. blahbalhablaha. Then I went to Becca's and played RockBand. That was fun
     So, yeah, This posting kinda sucks, but I needed to write something. I can't stop now on posting once a day...... Is it normal that I can make my stomach look pregnant even if all I had was a glass of water.... I must have a lot of air in there. Tomorrow I hope to bike to Becca's and back. She probably wont be there but its a good 15 mile ride total; there and back. Also tomorrow is my end of the summer party. I wonder who's all going to make it. And the BIG hair cut tomorrow. Im nervous.
                Good Night. I will talk to you tomorrow. tomorrow. its only a day away....
Chocolate is the taste.....
Sun is the touch......
Laughter is the sound.....
A smile is the sight.....
To Happiness

Thursday, August 26, 2010

8/26/10 I Hate People Who Hate People

     I'm not really a religious person. I'm sure if you put all my beliefs into a category and added them together and put a 'ist' at the end of it you probably could label me with something. If you ask me how the earth began I would say the Big Bang, but yet I believe in ghosts, sometimes I believe that you go somewhere when you die, but most of the time I believe that dying is a lot like being in a deep sleep.
    Any ways what I discovered is that I find some religion very hateful. Especially that evangelical religious groups that buy all there members with fun trips to theme parks and camps that play rock music about the lord and are really hardcore about getting people to join and listen. I am not saying it bad to have faith. Actually its good to have faith, whatever makes you wake up in the morning saying today is a good day, works. What I mean by hateful is that when I am asked about if I go to church on sundays and say no, I have been talked to about the lord and told that I am going to hell if I don't believe in God or if I am not baptized. Then they talk about loving your neighbor, but if your neighbor is Gay, or Muslim, or Atheist, that their going to hell. Why can't people just let it go. Everyone is wrong! Ok? Most wars are started over religion, its a waist of time an energy to convert people. There are hundreds of religions out there and they all think their just as right as the next. I mean I'm sure I'm wrong about what whatever I believe to.      
     I have friends of all sorts of religion. And thats fine as long as we don't talk about anything that has to do with anything that gets into their religion. But I have had arguments with one that thought that being gay is like being a crack baby. No joke, this is what they thought. I was furious! Or when I over heard someone talking about how a woman should just stay home and cook. I just bit my tongue and had to just walk away.    
   In away I am being hypocritical. I mean I am complaining about religions that complain about people. But when I am watching a reality TV show and there talking about God in an episode, or if people tell me God will be with you or I am praying for you. I am fine with that. Actually thats their way of saying I care for you and I am looking after you. So peace, love, and happiness. And next time you see someone thats different from you, except who they are. You don't have to be friends with them.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

8/25/10 The Future

   Coming into junior year makes you think a lot about the future. I mean the thought is practically forced into your head. "What are you going to be?", "Where are you going to go to collage?", questions like that are asked all the time. For me though, thinking about the future is second nature. I am always planning ahead, not saying I don't like surprises ;], but I am always planning for something because for me thats how I know things will get done.
    When I was younger I knew exactly what I wanted to do when I grew up.... kind of. Well at first I wanted to be a race car driver and a veterinarian on the side. Then I realized that wont work so I wanted to be a veterinarian and a race car driver on the side. Later I dropped the whole race car driver thing and stuck with being a vet. In 8th grade I got to job shadow a veterinarian, after that I decided maybe a vet tech will be more fun. So that was my plan, to go to MATC and become a veterinarian technician. One day this year I woke up and realized that that's not what I wanted to do. It was like I was a cartoon that got bonked in the head and forgot who I was. This scared me. I was always that person who knew what wanted to be; and now for once in my life I had no idea. So for months I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off; not a clue where I was going and what I was doing. For me, this was a very scary thing. Everything felt so spacey and weird. So I wrote down every occupation I thought about being. And here it is....
1. Dog Groomer
2. Dog Trainer
3. Vet Tech
4. Pet Nutritionists
5. Pet Therapy
6. Fashion Designer
7. Costumer Designer
8. Dog Walker ( in NYC of corse)
9. Club Owner
10. Phycology (there is something interesting about it; I don't know what it is)
11. Movie Production
12. Music......
13. Massage Therapist
14. Advertising
    Then I was talking with my aunt. Both my aunt and my dad said the same thing. They said they think I should stick with the vet tech thing. This messed me up at first. I mean I just got over the break up of me and that career idea, and now your saying I should get back together with it. I didn't like this at first. I was pretty content on being in advertising. They said thats a tuff business to get into. So I thought, and thought, and tossed and turned. Then I came up with the perfect plan. How about I go to MATC which is now MAC. But same thing... moving on... and go and become a vet tech ( like plan A) but then once I become a vet tech and get a job as one I will be able to afford to go to collage and get a communications degree in advertising. That way I can be both a vet tech until I get a good advertising job then I can be that and make the big bucks! Great right?... I was pretty proud of it.
   The thing is I have this plan. And I have a general idea how to get there. But why do I still have this empty feeling of being lost. Like I don't KNOW...... I feel like, like, well I feel confused. I don't really know what to do; and I don't know when this feeling will ever go away. A part of me thinks that even if I have a successful career, an apartment in New York City and a chocolate brown standard poodle that I take for runs with my bike around central park; that I will still have this feeling, late at night. A feeling of; something missing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8/24/10 Sports, Sports, Sports

      From a young age I have always been active. I was always running around doing something. I took most of my energy out in sports. Starting at the young age of four (thats a guestamet age) I started swimming lessons. Swimming lessons continued on up until I was ten. I had to repeat a level twice because the instructor said I wasn't focused enough to move on to the next level. "Natalea focus!" I still hear this at least once a week to this day.
     When I was five or maybe six, i don't know, my mom put me soccer. I did not like soccer one bit. It was hot, tiring and I never got the ball. I just spent my time looking for four leaf clovers on the field as the other kids attempted to score a goal. This event was rare. I stuck with that for at the most three years. Im leaning towards two. In second and third grade I was in dance, I was also a real tomboy back then and hated the fact that we had to where pink for our recitals. I regret quitting dance for such a stupid reason like that, especially sense I love to do it now. But what can I do I was six years old and my parents let me. Also in third grade; this would make me seven; I started fencing. If you are wondering what fencing is, this is a sport where two people have a long slender sward and score points if they stab the other person ( no one bleeds of corse). I was pretty good at this and continued this sport up until i believe 7th grade. Reason for discontinuing; the first reason is that out of four years of doing the sport I had only competed twice, and for all that practice it was unsatisfying. The second reason is that well I wanted to do hockey.
      My friend was in hockey and turned me on to the sport. I loved it. We had games every weekend. Practice was fun. I got to meet new people, and when you play you get like an adrenaline rush, a rush that I never had before. First I was on a U19 girls team with my friend. Then, even though we were just a few months apart, I was apparently kick off the team the next year for being too young so I had to join a peewee team, this kinda sucked because most of the boys were ass holes to me and there was checking. ( checking is when you are allowed to slam someone else into the boards). Though, I still loved playing. A year later a new girls team was formed. I was on this team for two years. I had some good times and bad. Two things that I heard from my coaches the most was "Natalea focus!" and "be aggressive". Which I am not an aggressive person. Your probably wondering why I am not doing hockey anymore. I have two very good reasons why, though I loved it, I had to do what I had to do. In 8th grade my dad lost his job, and as you might know hockey is a very expensive sport and also after 9th grade (this is when me being younger was good because I could be in it one more year) I would have to be on the MSO Iceberg high school team. This is a combination of four schools. Most people in it had been playing longer than I and I wasn't going to have my parents pay money that we don't have to have me sit on a bench. Now, do you think those are good reasons?
         In fifth through ninth grade during the summer I did softball. I enjoyed it. I never really was in love with it. And got annoyed that I was always put in the out field but I liked it. Even though I was a complete and utter strike out. Hitting the ball I found was nearly impossible. Like hockey it was a great sport to meet new people and to fill up free time. How it ended do you ask. Well it ended with a horrible new coach and an age limit that I reached to be on the team. It was time to go.
    This is not the end of my sports career, oh no. In 10th grade, sense I wasn't doing hockey I had to stay somewhat in shape, so I decide to do track. In track we practiced after school ever day for a little over two hours. We have track meets once to twice a week. They put me in the 100, 200, and the 400. I hated it. I hated practice, and I hated the meets. It was torture. I ended up getting shin splints in the beginning and they never went away, they just got worse. To the point that no matter if I stood or sat it hurt the same. Also I was the slowest person on the track team. Literally the word slowest was written next to my name on the list. Im never going to do track again.
   So what are you going to do this year, your probably wondering. Well, good question. So I forgot to mention up in the beginning that sometime in that mess of sports I also took tennis lessons for two years. It was ok. But nothing I truly enjoyed. Until we did tennis in gym class last year, and I had myself a good time playing tennis; it never occurred to me to play. So I said Im joining and that was that. I know friends that are in it, so even during the boring times I will be with someone. Later I sent in in all my forms and everything except for the $50 fee. A few days before the month of August we got our schedule. For me this was too late. Practice was everyday in August plus some matches. My boss had already had my work schedule planned and my times that I had to work interfered with the tennis times. So I emailed the coach asking if I could miss a few practices for work. She, with no sympathy, said that work is not an excuse to miss practice and if I miss more than two practices because of it I would be kicked off the team.
   Heart broken as I was I went to my.... *11:11 MAKE A WISH*.... I went to my long time companion. An activity that I never thought was a sport, but I just love to do it. It was there for me when the others weren't but always made me happy. Almost everyone knows how to do it but only few know how to completely indulge in it. If you guessed swimming you are wrong. Well for me at least, you could be a swimmer, but I am a biker. Or the proper term is cyclist. I can ride for hours, wind in my hair, I can go fast or I can just cruz down the road. I love to bike. So sense I love to bike and technically biking is a sport and you can even race. That is what I am going to do. My dads friend is a big time cyclist and owns the bike shop; so I believe he can give me the guidance I need to become really good. Just the other weekend I rode around Lake Mondoda with my mom, it was 15 miles and we did it in 2 hours. ( I can go faster but my mom is a little slower than me). In the end I really believed that I can be a good biker. Its in my blood. My grandpa is 78 years old and he is still biking over 10 miles a day. I wish I could bike with him.
   So all in all I have done eight sports, yet I have never been really good at any of them. I tried hard, but sports just come harder to me than others. My dad says I'm not athletic, but yet I have done all theses sports. So what do you call a person that does sports but is not good at any of them? My aunt says that I am an active person. Someone who needs to do something active even if they aren't good at it. What do you think?