Any ways what I discovered is that I find some religion very hateful. Especially that evangelical religious groups that buy all there members with fun trips to theme parks and camps that play rock music about the lord and are really hardcore about getting people to join and listen. I am not saying it bad to have faith. Actually its good to have faith, whatever makes you wake up in the morning saying today is a good day, works. What I mean by hateful is that when I am asked about if I go to church on sundays and say no, I have been talked to about the lord and told that I am going to hell if I don't believe in God or if I am not baptized. Then they talk about loving your neighbor, but if your neighbor is Gay, or Muslim, or Atheist, that their going to hell. Why can't people just let it go. Everyone is wrong! Ok? Most wars are started over religion, its a waist of time an energy to convert people. There are hundreds of religions out there and they all think their just as right as the next. I mean I'm sure I'm wrong about what whatever I believe to.
I have friends of all sorts of religion. And thats fine as long as we don't talk about anything that has to do with anything that gets into their religion. But I have had arguments with one that thought that being gay is like being a crack baby. No joke, this is what they thought. I was furious! Or when I over heard someone talking about how a woman should just stay home and cook. I just bit my tongue and had to just walk away.

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