Sunday, September 5, 2010

9/5/2010 Nap

   So today was one of those days that I just couldn't get revved up. I woke up tired and felt tired all day. I couldn't even get myself to go on a bike ride! Can you believe that?! But then I did something magical. Something I've only done a few times in my life. Something I couldn't even get myself to do in pre-school.. I took a nap! It was amazing. Once I took that nap ( 3 hours later than I should have) I was wide awake and ready for action. When I woke up I got a text from a friend saying that the group is getting together. I like hang out with them all. Even though they have some extra drama that I don't know about, I still like to get together with them and laugh. Sometimes when I am around a new group of people I do one of two things. I, one, don't talk enough, or two, talk too much. What can I do I'm human?
    Today I was told by one of the friends that they used to think I was annoying. I mean, I guess I will like to think that sense the words 'used to' was put in front of it that it isn't as bad. I wasn't to broken up about it, I really don't give a shit what people think about me as much as I used to anymore. I guess I grew up a bit. But it does make you wonder how many people out there don't like you. It is worrisome, but as long as the people who like you out way the people who don't like you by over double, you should be in good shape. I just think to myself when I'm around people ( watch out cheesy phrase) "How would I like to be treated". For the most part I do this, unless the person pissed me off from the start, then it takes me awhile to give them that respect. Unless the time right after their nice, then I change my mind.
Lydia; if your reading this... ALIANS!!!!
    Well thats all I have to say today, talk to you tomorrow. I guess if your reading this blog you must like me. Because if you didn't then you wouldn't care. TTFN ;)

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