Moving on, today was the first day of school. If you ask how it was I would say okay, but really mean horrible. If I know you I probably would just go out and say it was bad. I got locked out of my locker twice. Meaning I was late to two of my classes and almost late to 3. I was really excited for my first hour class which is Art 3D. This ended up being a class full of Freshman and.... people who I don't know. If you were in my class you will know what I'm talking about. I am thinking of switching to Physic Ap, but it might be too full. We'll see I will try it out for one more day. Work after school was not treating me well, or I wasn't treating myself well so that made everything bad.

The Holocaust makes me so angry! I don't understand how people could think that way, and how it went on for so long without being stopped. It was horrid! This is just another example of why I hate people who hate people. ( Something I was talking about in another blog). I hope nothing like this happens again, but the fact is it was happening not to long ago with the African Genocide where millions of people were killed because of their looks and believes. Its so sad that there are humans out there that think that way and it sickens me. I hope none of my readers do.
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