Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6/10 Hello One Follower

     So your  probably thinking right now wait she has two followers, right? Wrong, I figured out that I can follow myself. Yes I follow my own blog. Pathetic I know but I thought maybe if it looks like I have more followers more people will want to follow my blog, because they will think I'm important. I'm not.  You never know I could be the presidents unknown white daughter or Lady Gaga's little sister (who's name is Natalie by the way). But anyways, I don't really know why I want people to read my blog so bad. I mean Im just a regular person, with no excitement in my life.
     Thats a lie, exciting things do happen all the time, wether their exciting to you or not is your own opinion. I guess I write this blog for the same reason people have Twitter or update their Facebook status ever ten minutes. We all wish someone out there cares, or would like to believe so. I mean do you really care that I broke up with my boyfriend, no, but if I put it into a little daily story and you read it, it will be exciting for two reasons. Reason one being that you get to learn all the dirty details of my life, kinda like a drama TV show. Reason two being that when I write these I kinda think that my readers are nodding their heads saying amen sista, or can relate on some level of what I am talking about.
     I believe that, though everyone is really different. We have our different looks, our different corks, and different opinions. Alot of us share some of the same thoughts on things, or at least people in our similar age group. Like if I say to you right now man I really hate mushrooms, the texture is like eating a slug, the smell is horrible, eww, I believe a majority of your out there are thinking the same thing about mushrooms. But in the other hand I have a few friends ( very few) that do like mushrooms and will be like, yumm! I love that. First I would probably call them a weirdo, but yet thats their opinion and that is the same thing that will happen with this useless blog. People will read something they will completely disagree on and hate me forever and others will love me more for the same opinion.
I think I look a little like my big sis....
      Now your probably thinking if she just admitted to herself that there is no point on writing this blog why is she still doing it. *11:11 Make A WISH*. Well my friend, other than writing this blog for my one follower and the occasional people that actually look this up when I tell them about it, I write this blog for myself. Not just to keep track of my amazingly exciting life, but to finally let loose of what is on my mind. I always go to bed with a speech of what I wish I could say but never have the opportunity to say it, so now I can do that. Writing in a journal doesn't work because I can never write as fast as what come in my head. With this, my fingers are able to move fast enough, making everything flow on to the screen. Anyways happy labor day. Tomorrow is school once again, after that it will never end. Thanks for reading those of you who do. Talk to you next time! - Nat ;)

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