Thursday, December 2, 2010

12/2/10 Band Concert

      Tonight was our high school annual holiday band concert. The music we got for it wasn't to hard expect for Sleigh Bells, a fun yet difficult song. As you heard in resent blog postings I am now in Symphonic Band, the top dogs.... kinda.. I practice and average of 3-4 times a week outside of band class for about 40 minutes. I practice hard getting my parts down and my fingers to move faster.
     The concert starts, I was doing okay.. for the most part, with an exception of a few wrong notes. Then after the first obvious mistake I went down hill. Its like I froze and forgot everything I knew. We preformed our Jazz Band pieces after and I continued to make more mistakes. Until the last of the jazz songs. The hardest of them all, the one I spent the most working on. I ended up being a beat behind then playing a bunch of wrong notes!!! AH! (the guy next to me noticed). If it wasn't bad enough we had a grand finale with the Madison Brass Band, we were to play Most Wonderful Time of the Year. I was doing great, hit mostly everything. We all ended and somehow I managed to make a unintentional stinger.... how? I don't know, but it happened and EVERYONE heard! No joke. I heard people talking about it..... By this point I wanted to hide away for ever..
    Though I was down, and posted a Facebook status of my miss fortune. Luckily a very kind person (no name mentioned just in case) Gave me a few words to help me out of my rut. This is what was written;
"The incident is in the past now, so now it's time to smile widely to yourself, clear your head, and plan for the ever-so-amazing future that lies ahead" 
  This is an ever so cheesy statement that helped a lot. So part of clearing my head is to write about it then to do some deep breathing when listening to some meditation music and find the positive. The positive I can say out of that 'stinger' is that at least it was the right note. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12/1/10 Dinner Party

    So I saw in a magazine a question. "Who would be at your dream dinner party?" They asked this question to a designer. His picks were good, so I thought I would give it a shot. So here is my dream dinner party guest list in no particular order.

1. Lady Gaga; I pick her because well first of all I love her voice and her songs, but mostly I love her as a person. I would want her to be at my dinner party so I could talk all about civil rights with her and just to know what she is like in person. I don't doubt she's wonderful.

2. Obama; I invite him so he can talk to my really politically savvy German friend who knows and has good political views. This way David (German friend) (who will also be there) could talk to him and give him a few pointers and an outside view of the U.S. And because he's the president. He should also bring his dog to clean up the leftovers when we are done eating.

3. Lena and Y(J)uila of t.A.T.U. Especially Lena because she is my favorite. Why? Well I like their music and I love them!

4. Cool girl in math class; She has fun and similar views on religion, and equality, and well she just seams like she would be fun at the dinner party.

5. Johnny Depp; Because he is my favorite actor and seems like a pretty cool guy.

6. Joan Jett and P!nk; They both know how to do two very important things very well. Rock and Party!

7. Ellen Degeneres; Super funny, love her, and will get everyone to dance.

8. If I could bring back dead people I would have; Alexander McQueen (a brilliant clothing designer),The Beatles (the members aren't all dead but the band is) and last but not least Lucile Ball ( or Lucy in I Love Lucy).

9. La Roux (aka Elly Jackson). I would invite her to do my hair. And because she is also super fly.

10. I would invite every close friend that has made me smile the most. That way when there is an awkward silence I would have them there to fill it in with laughter. The ones that positive thoughts have always out numbered the negatives. I think you know who you are.

     So this is my list. I am sure I will look over this and realized I missed many very important people and by the time I am done I would need one very large dining room. But this is it so far and I think it would make some heck of a party.